Calm Before the Storm
Massimo Torini tapaamassa Diabloja Hepburn Heightsissä
Tehtävän antaja: Joseph Daniel O'Toole
Sijainti: Red Light District, Portland Island, Liberty City
Kohde: Triadit
Palkinto: $1,000 Tradit rupeavat hyökkämään
Avaa tehtävän: The Made Man
Avattu seuraavan tehtävän toimesta: The Guns of Leone

Calm Before the Storm on tehtävä Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Storiesissa. Sen antaa päähenkilöllö JD O'Toole.


Seuraa Massimo Torinin helikopteria. Kun se on laskeutunut tapa kaikki Triad jengin jäsenent.


Toni Cipriani: So, Salvatore cleaned house, huh... and now he's fixing up yours!

Joseph Daniel O'Toole: It's all mine now, Toni! Those cock-sucking Sindaccos all been kicked out. Listen, I hear the Sicilians are trying to broker peace between the families. Sal's got some heavy up at his place right now. The thing is; he smells a rat. He wants someone to get up there and follow this guy, see where he goes.

(Toni follows Massimo Torini to a meeting with the Diablos)

Massimo Torini: Come siamo rimasti d'accordo, if you do my associates work for them, you'll be well rewarded. ...Hepburn Heights will belong to the Diablos.

(Massimo then flies to Chinatown to meet the Triads)

Massimo Torini: quei bastardi dei Leone tied down in Portland, and when my associates control this city, you'll be taken care of. Si pensiamo noi.

(Triads spot Toni)

Triad: Over there! It's a Leone!

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